Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More Abundantly!!!!!

As a young woman, I lived my life only to please myself. But since God pulled me up, out of that old way of living, I find that my life is far more full and satisfying than I ever imagined it could be.
I was striving and straining to make a name for myself, and to take in every pleasure I was offered. But after all that work, I felt cheated and empty.
God drew me close to Himself and here, in the shelter of His presence I have found life that is truly a life.
"[Do not hope] in this present world...[or it's] wealth, which is so uncertain, but [put your] hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.... do good.... be rich in good deeds, and ... be generous and willing to share.In this way [we] will lay up treasure for [our]selves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that [we] may take hold of the life that is truly life."
- 1 Timothy 6:17-19

So yesterday I posted about the Coffee Toffee Heath Bar Cake
....it is really good with just plain whipped cream in the layers,
but the addition of this Toffee Sauce gives it abundantly more delicious flavor!!!!!!!

This recipe was given to be my my sweet baking friend Jennifer Derksen- who is awesome, and if you've ever been blessed by her cooking OR her hospitality, you know what I mean!!!!!!

I am sorry to report that I didn't take pictures as I made this- you will just have to put your hope in what is unseen for today- I will try and add some later, but I wanted to get you the recipe!!!!
Here it is!!!!!
Toffee Sauce :
3/4 cup + 1 T. dark brown sugar
2 T. dark corn syrup
3/4 stick butter
and I always add 1/2 t. salt and 1 t. vanilla just because!!!!
bring those to a boil over med heat and allow the sugar to dissolve.
(the corn syrup will keep the caramel from crystallizing)
Let the mixture bubble for a couple minutes, then CAREFULLY and SLOWLY
add 2/3 cup of heavy cream.
Cook an additional 2-3 minutes till thick and glossy.
Store it in a mason jar (or something with a lid) in the fridge.
It probably won't last long, the batch I made was consumed within 2 days, but it will easily keep for a couple weeks.This is an excellent sauce for vanilla ice cream, or to pour over pound cake and whipped cream....or to just eat by the spoonful! It smells like a waft of heaven....if you like the smell of butter and sugar, i a sure you'll agree!!!!
Christ came that we might have life and that we might have it MORE ABUNDANTLY- this will surely help
in the process!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful day!

"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."
-John 10:10 (NKJV)


  1. OH. MY. GOSH!!!! Yum.
    If it's from Jennifer you can bet it's good!!!

  2. Lynn- this is sooo worth trying, the ingredients sound basic, but the flavor is magical!!!!!
    Jen is amazing!!!!
