Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sweeter than honey!!!!!

" How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"
Psalm 119:103
 "The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb."
Psalm 19:9-10

An ordinance is literally the directions or the prescribed usage for something. God gave us His "ordinances" for us to live our lives not only in a way that pleases Him. (which would be enough!) but also His directions are meant to give us the utmost out of our lives- life to the FULL...not just the skim milk, but all the butter, all the cream and the sugar too!!!!!
Can you imagine taking a medicine without reading the information given about how much to take, and how often, and for what symptoms? That would be crazy!!!! How much more insane to live my life apart from the instruction of the Giver....the Author of life?
God gave His specific directions in the Bible to each one of us PERSONALLY.
Scripture is "God-breathed" and is also said to be "living and active"...i know THAT sounds crazy, but many times I have found the comfort I needed in His Word, or the wisdom...or the rebuke (unfortunately i deserve it sometimes!) or even at just the right time, He brings it to mind. But I am so grateful to have my life shaped by following His directions than wandering away on my own and having my circumstances bring me to a place where all I can do is cry out for help....those are excruciating times....so I agree with the Psalmist who says that the ordinances of the Lord are more precious than pure gold...sweeter than honey to my mouth...check it out for yourself!!!
....taste and see that the Lord is good!!!!!!
And, on a lighter note, so are these GOLDEN BUTTERSCOTCH COOKIES: Taste and see that they are like little bites of cake-like cookies with the best frosting you've ever had dripping from them.....like honey....oh yeah!!!!!!!

Really you want to heat your oven to 375°....I'll wait!!!

First cream together:

1 1/2 c. brown sugar
1 stick of butter

add to this mixture:
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. salt

then stir in 2 farm fresh eggs if your generous folks supply you with a dozen every few days!!!!!
(one at a time beat well between each addition)
this is the part I can't resist....MMmmmm!!!!!!!!!

and don't forget the inimitable flavor of vanilla
sorry this is sideways, but you get the idea!!!!!

....okay SOME people think it can be imitated, but I do not subscribe to that thinking...the better the flavoring...the better the flavor- isn't that simple logic???

1 t. vanilla.

stir in 2 1/2 c. flour till well combined then add:

1 cup of sour cream
see hoe the 4 cup measuring cup is dwarfed by my flour container???who knows how many cups it holds....
A LOT is all I know!

using a handy dandy cookie scoop, make dough into balls
place on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes or until golden on the edges....

allow them to sit on the cookie sheet for a minute or two, but be sure to remove them whist they are still warm lest you lose half of them to the pan!!!!

then...then....THEN......the pièce de résistance:
Browned- Butter Frosting:
heat 1 stick of butter in a saucepan till golden brown
use a fairly large saucepan to keep from overflowing!!!!!

remove from heat and add 3 1/2 c. powdered sugar
1/2 heaping t. salt
2 t. vanilla
and about 5 T. boiling water

carefully dip cooled cookies in warm frosting...if it gets too hard, whisk in a little more boiling H2O!

they will look like this:

until you try one...and then- you will see them NO MORE!!!!!!!

Wait until the frosting has cooled and looks matte before eating, if you can control yourself!!!!!
In the meantime, clean under the baking rack....look at this sticky mess!!!!!
the best way to clean this up is with a warm sponge....OR
let your fingers to the cleaning......invite your helpers to assist you in removing the excess frosting......
you'll still have room for cookies!!!!!!

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